​Dutch Trading Post
Heritage Network
Welcome to the Dutch Trading Post Heritage Network!
We are an international network of institutions in the public and private sector that work with heritage of the Dutch East India Company (VOC). Currently our network consists of institutions from the following cities:
Ambon, Ayutthaya, Banda, Galle, Hirado, Jakarta, Melaka, Muziris, Nagasaki, Tainan and Ternate.
In the 17th and 18th centuries, the VOC operated a large trading network connecting many cities around Asia, as well as the Netherlands and other regions. This network brings our institutions together in order to re-establish some of these connections.
Through this network we aim to share knowledge and research on our shared cultural heritage and to cooperate on future historical research initiatives. The network also functions as a platform to increase cultural, educational and economic exchange.
You can read more about our aims and the extent of the network in the About page, discover the VOC history and heritage of our network cities in the Members page and learn about the network's annual conference in the Meeting page. For new on the networks activities please have a look at the News section and on social media. If you still have any questions left, get in touch with us through the Contact page.