5th annual network meeting in Melaka
The Dutch Trading Post Heritage Network Meeting for 2019 was held in Melaka, Malaysia, from November 1 to November 4.
It was the 5th edition of the annual member's meeting which was organised by our melaka members and gracefully supported by ICOMOS malaysia and Melaka Historical City.
The first day was a full day of keynote lectures on Dutch period melaka heritage and history followed by a site visit to Stadthuys and St. Paul's Hill.
The second day was a day for updates and presentations of each member as well as a network meeting followed by a site visit to the historical core of Melaka city.
The final day included a network meeting and discussion as well as a special lecture and a museum story telling workshop by our Thai member, Ms. Estrella Montien.
Another fruitful meeting that deepened the member's knowledge of the Dutch period history and heritage of Melaka as well as many discussions on heritage conservation, World Heritage Status issues, museum management and other subjects. The pictures are uploaded and viewable in the Meetings section of this website.