New exhibition Hirado Dutch Trading Post
The Hirado Dutch Trading Post (Japan, 1609-1641) celebrated it's 10th anniversary last year, after it was reconstructed in 2011. To celebrate this, the museum installed a new exhibition about the VOC trading network that connected Hirado with the rest of Asia.
The new exhibition projects the image of an old map from the museum's collection onto a huge globe. With a cursor you can rotate the projection and scroll around the world while the years slowly progress. As time goes by the trading posts that were established around Asia will pop up on the globe. If you move the cursor over a trading post, information will pop up. Furthermore, ships move between the trading posts and by clicking on them you can read what kind of goods were primarily moved between the various trading posts. You can also move back and forth in time by selecting the years.
If you move to 2015, you will see all the member cities of our current Dutch Trading Post Heritage Network!
Please come and have a look some time!
